11/06/2019: T1000


Front Squat 1x75

75 Reps @5# heavier than last week

(last week was no more than 40% of 1RM)

*no more than 1 breathe at the top of each rep

*every time you break you have to rest for 1 minute

*record number of sets and weight



12 Box Jump RX 36/30,

8 Front Squat RX 185/125, B 155/105, C 135,95, M 95/65

Athletes Notes

*Box jumps should be done in under 1:20 the entire workout

*Front squat should be moderate weight and unbroken the whole time. Not over 65% 1 RM

Target number of rounds: 6+

Minimum number of rounds before scaling: 4

Cross Fit