9/20/19: 3 Rounds
3 Rds
100 Double Unders
50’ Handstand Walk
10 Bar Muscle Ups
50’ Handstand Walk
10 Thrusters RX 135/95 B 115/85 C 95/65 M 85/55
Athlete Notes:
Target Time 15:00
Time Tine 20:00
*if you cannot Handstand Walk 25’ consistently, sub a Bear Crawl 100’ or go 2 times around a box with knees in box, hands on floor (1 time around each direction)
*Thruster weight should be moderate but unbroken at least the 1st set
Scale to the following to finish at or near the target time
3 Rds
75 Double Unders
25’ Hand Stand Walk
7 Bar Muscle Ups
25’ Hand Stand Walk
10 Thrusters