1/21/2020: Criss Cross Will Make You Jump Jump



3x3* Hang Power Clean

*Goal is heavier than the final set of loading in the workout.



Hang Power Clean CFC 1 (95/65) CFC 2 (65/45)

Box Jump (24) into...

12-9-6 Hang Power Clean CFC 1 (135/95) CFC 2 (95/65)

Box Jump (30) into...

9-6-3 Hang Power Clean CFC 1 (185/125) CFC 2 (135/95)

Box Jump (30+)

*Heights are same for all athletes. Goal is three increasing heights for the Box Jump. SAFETY TIPS Coaches -- make sure to demo how to properly get down off the high box. Athletes should not be jumping off the top of the box unassisted. Athletes should feel comfortable getting down so have them practice before starting the workout. After the jump/standing to full extension hands come down to the box to support the upper body while feet kick back to the floor.

SCALING REPS, LOADING, VOLUME… Strength -- For newer/deconditioned athletes, have them focus on form and skill work for the cleans. Workout -- Weights for the barbell should build, light/moderate/moderate-heavy. Heights for the box should also build, mid/high/higher.

MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS... Barbell cleans can be swapped out for dumbells. Box Jumps can be scaled to a step up or lunge - to make them harder as rounds progress, add weight.

Cross Fit