1/27/2020: Uppercut
Slowly Drill and then Practice Low Ring Transitions or Transitions for Ring Muscle-Up
MUSCLE UP DRILLING FALSE GRIP COACHING CUE -- “Karate Chop and Flex” Used to secure the false grip on rings. Have athletes karate chop the rings at 6 o’clock then wrap their thumb around and aggressively grip the ring flexing the forearm and bicep. Ring should rest on the inside of the wrist with knuckles facing in. This position shortens the distance the arm needs to travel by keeping the wrist above the rings. The goal is to focus on the muscle ups starting on the ground with low rings to work on transitions. This is for every athlete, even for the most advanced. --False Grip Ring Row - Practice pulling maintaining the False Grip. --False Grip Pull to Chest - Knuckles stay pinn
20 Ring Muscle-Ups
Then in the remaining time...
2 ROUNDS 7 Power Cleans CFC 1 (135/95) CFC 2 (95/65)
7 Lateral Burpees Over Bar into...
5 Power Cleans CFC 1 (155/105) CFC 2 (115/75)
7 Lateral Burpees Over Bar into...
AMRAP in remaining time of...
3 Power Cleans CFC 1 (185/125) CFC 2 (135/95)
7 Lateral Burpees Over Bar No other rep or weight changes in workout
SCALING REPS, LOADING, VOLUME… Muscle Up -- This can be high volume for some who are newer to the movement. Reps shouldn’t take longer than 5:00 total, so give athletes that time frame to accumulate as many reps they can. Power Cleans -- Weights on the barbell should be scaled if needed. Weights should be increasing over each round as reps decrease. Weights should be doable - quick sets or singles. MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS... Muscle Up -- For the workout, scale to Burpee Chest to Bar Pull up for 25-40 reps. Power Clean -- For new athletes have them perform a Hang Power Clean or modify to use DB’s. Burpee Over Bar -- For newer/deconditioned athletes, have them perform regular Burpees or Up-Downs.