1/2/2020: The 20/20 Experience


20 Box Jumps (24/20)

20 Push Press (115/75)|(75/55)

*Every 3:00 including 3,2,1 go...perform 20 Sit-Ups

COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 2:00 Calf/Achilles Smash on Barbell (L) 2:00 Calf/Achilles Smash on Barbell (R) Today, we have Box Jumps, Push Press, and Sit Ups sprinkled in every 3:00. This workout has high volume and high cycle time - the lighter barbell and bodyweight movements will allow for pushing the pace through each round. Box Jumps should be smooth throughout. The Push Press should be manageable in bigger sets. The goal would be 2 sets in the earlier rounds and later on 3-4 set max. Don’t forget about those Sit Ups! Every 3:00, including at the start of the workout, we have 20 Sit Ups - during the workout, stop immediately, hit the ground to get those reps done, and then right back to work. Rounds should take around 2:30-3:30 with added time for the the Sit Ups. Keeping a high effort pace is going to make this one burn. Keep resting between movements to a minimum and transitions quick. For most athletes, we’re looking for 5-6 rounds - fittest athletes, get to that dark place and push for 7-8+ rounds.

SCALING REPS, LOADING, VOLUME... For newer/deconditioned athletes, both the reps and the weights can be scaled back. Give those athletes a number of rounds to hit, and allow them to rest/pace how they see fit.

MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS... Push Press -- scale to a DB Push Press Box Jumps -- scale to a Step Up or Alternating Lunges Sit Ups -- modify to a :45 Plank Hold or Hollow Body Hold

Cross Fit