12/30/2019: Definable



Build to 1RM Snatch

*Newer athletes can opt for a Power Snatch + Overhead Squat or Power Snatch only using the 25 minutes to practice skill and technique at light weights. If an athlete can’t go overhead, they can swap the Snatch for a Power Clean.

For the Strength, we are looking for a smart build to find a 1RM Snatch. It’s getting heavy today, but we’re going about it with a plan in mind - calculated jumps and sufficient rest between sets. Earlier sets will be low percentages/higher reps to prime the body for the heavier weights as well as drill proper technique/body positioning before slapping on the big wheels. We want 1:30-2:00 rest between sets to ensure adequate rest as well as not allowing the body to get cold. There should be no more than 3 attempts



30 Burpees

Max Reps of Power Snatch (95/65)|(65/45)

For the Workout, we’ve got 5 minutes to get work done! We start off with 30 burpees which can be a little scary. Name of the game, Don’t Stop Moving. Pick a pace that won’t stop you in your tracks or leave you hunched over after 5 reps - stay steady through out. After the burpees, we move to the barbell for power snatches. Now, we’re done with the 1RM for the day, so this should be a barbell weight that can be immediately picked up and cycled for 5 reps. The burpees should take around 2:00 which leaves a lot of time for the snatches. On the snatches, stay connected to the barbell - don’t finish a set and then walk 5 feet away. Once the barbell comes to the ground, step into it, take a breath, and pick it up. The goal would be to get 25+ snatches total.

Cross Fit