
1000/800m Row

60 Slam Balls RX (30/20) CFC1 (20/10)

30 Power Cleans RX (155/105) CFC1 (115/75) CFC2 (96/65)

60 Slam Balls

1000/800m Row

COOL DOWN FOR QUALITY 500m Row* *Nasal Breathing Only

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Reps -- For deconditioned athletes cut everything in half. If they finish and there is still time on the clock and they have the energy, have them complete half the reps of half to get in extra work! Loading -- Should allow athletes to complete their 30 reps in 5-6 sets total or for quick singles all the way through. Modify athletes as needed to a lighter weight to allow for this. Volume -- If athletes aren’t sure about the Row, give them a time domain: 4:00 to accumulate as many meters as possible and then try to match it on their second Row!

*Movement Adjustments*... Row -- Sub for 800m Run, Bike 60 Cal or 2200m. Slam Balls -- Waist to Overhead if the athletes cannot go from the ground can be an option along with a heavy Russian KB Swing or full KB Swing. Power Cleans -- Scale to Hang Power Cleans if they cannot go from the ground or Deadlifts if they cannot Power Clean to the front rack.

Cross Fit