



30 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)|(53/35)*

30 Burpees

30 Sit-Ups**

*Russian Swing Optional

**GHDSU Optional

(Score is Time)



1:00 Samson Stretch (R)

1:00 Elbow to Instep (R)

1:00 Samson Stretch (L)

1:00 Elbow to Instep (L)

2:00 Child Pose

(No Measure)


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

KBS -- Athletes should aim to move through these each round in 1-2 sets in the first couple of rounds, then 2-3 sets later on. We can adjust the weight to allow athletes to move consistently through these, and we can also adjust the movement to Russian Swings to accomodate a faster cycle speed and shorter ROM.

Burpees -- We are looking for our athletes to move at a steady pace through these- they should take no more than 3 minutes each round. We can adjust the number of reps to allow athletes to move consistently, modify them to Up-Downs, or we can adjust the movement (raising the surface for the hands) to account for consistency.

Sit-Ups -- These should be unbroken each round- for our fittest athletes, we can adjust these to make them harder with the option to perform GHDSU. For our more deconditioned or newer athletes, we can adjust the volume by changing the reps from 30 to 15-20 each round.

*Movement Adjustments*...

KBS -- Modify athletes to a Russian KB Swing, KB Deadlifts, or a KB Goblet Reverse Lunge if an athlete cannot swing overhead today.

Burpees -- Up-Downs will be your go-to adjustment for today. Athletes can also complete 20/15 Cal Bike or roughly 2:00 of work.

Sit-Ups -- A Deadbug, can be a great option for athletes unable to complete the full Sit-Up movement. You can also modify people to a Plank Hold, Hollow Hold, or Side Plank Holds for 1:30-2:00.

Cross Fit