

40/30 Cal Row

30 Back Rack Lunge RX (95/65) CFC1 (65/45) CFC2 (45/35)

30 Sit-Ups

Immediately Into...


20/15 Cal Row

20 Back Rack Lunge

20 Sit-Ups



1:00 Pigeon Pose (R)

1:00 Pigeon Pose (L)

2:00 Saddle Pose

(No Measure)


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Row -- Athletes should be able to complete the larger Row sets in 2:30 or less, and the lower Row sets in 1:30 or less.

Modify new athletes to 30/25 Cal or 25/20 Cal Row for the first 2 rounds and 15/12 for the second two rounds.

Back Rack Lunges -- Consider lowering the weight for deconditioned athletes or having them complete the reps at BW. You can also adjust the reps to 20 and then 10.

Sit-Ups -- For newer athletes the volume may be aggressive. Consider lowering their reps to 20 and then 15 or 10. Athletes can also hold a Plank for 1:30 and then 1:00.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Row -- Athletes can sub for a 600m Run or 35/25 Calorie Bike in Rounds 1 and 2, and a 300m Run or 15/10 Calorie Bike in rounds 3 and 4.

Back Rack Lunges -- If athletes are not comfortable getting the bar to the back rack they can sub for Front Rack Lunges orsub for Weighted Step Ups.

Sit-Ups -- Athletes can perform a 1:30 Plank in Rounds 1 and 2, and 1:00 Plank in rounds 3 and 4.

Cross Fit