1x6 @ 70% of 2RM (Light-Moderate)
1x4 @ 75%
1x2 @ 80%
*Deload Week Prior to Retest of 2RM Next Week -- Move Well!
(Score is Weight)
12 Deadlifts RX (185/135) CFC1 (135/95)
24 Sit-Ups
-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-
*Start each AMRAP where you left off.
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Deload -- There shouldn’t be much of a need to adjust the loading or the volume today for athletes. Remember the priority is mechanics for everyone. If you have athletes that are very new and still learning the DL, adjusting the weight to light-moderate load and having them perform tempo DL (2121) for 5 reps each set is a great way to better land the mechanics.
DL Workout -- For the DL, sets should be performed unbroken with a weight that you need to “think” about before picking up...not crazy light or crazy heavy. This is a moderate load.
Sit-Ups -- For newer athletes, this could be a lot of time on the situps. You can reduce the number down to keep the Sit-ups in the :40 range...but athletes should not exceed 1:00 on the Sit-Ups. If the overall volume is too high, think about having athletes perform 8-12 Sit-Ups into a :20-:30 static Plank Hold.
*Movement Adjustments*...
DL Deload -- If the athlete can not pull from the ground, a wider stance mid-height Box Squat could be a good option today.
If choosing this round, have the athletes focus on sending the hips back slowly and only sitting to a box that’s either at or slightly above parallel. Other options could include a light to moderate-light tempo Good Morning.