
60 Air Squats

800m Run or Row

60 Air Squats

60 DB Step-Up RX (50/35) CFC1 (35/20)*

*24/20" Box



1:00 Flutter Kicks

1:00 DB Hollow Hold

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Air Squats -- Between the two sets of Squats, we end up with a high volume! We can adjust the total volume by adjusting the reps in both sets to ensure the appropriate volume for each athlete.

Run -- This is only done once in this workout, but it could break an athlete if not adjusted appropriately. We want the Run to take no more than 4:30, so that means we can either send our athletes out to run 2:00 out and 2:00 back, or we can adjust the distance for them to something we know they can complete in under 4:30.

DB Step-Up -- With the weight as written, these are HEAVY! That means athletes should be able to work through them in sets of 10-20 reps. We can start by adjusting the weight to maintain the stimulus, or we can adjust the reps to allow athletes to hold on for sets of 10-20.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Air Squats -- For some athletes, these Air Squats may not be a great option (for low back, hip flexors, knees, etc). We can sub Alt Lunges or Squats to a box or bench for any athletes that need a substitute today.

Run -- Running may be out of the question for some of your athletes today- we can sub a Row (1000m) or Cal Bike (50/40 Cal) if needed today.

DB Step-Up -- Holding the DBs might not be an option for some of our athletes today, in which case we can omit the DBs and keep the Step-Up. For some other athletes, performing the Step-Up might be out of the question, in which case we can omit the Box and perform Reverse Lunges. If an athlete cannot perform a single-leg movement at all, we can sub DB Marches.

Cross Fit