1x4 @ 70-75% (Moderate) of 2RM
1x4 @ 75-80% (Mod)
1x4+ @ 80-85% (Mod-Heavy)*
*As many reps as possible w/o failure...no more than 8-10.
(Score is Weight)
MIN 1 - :45 Max ""Deadstop” Sumo Deadlifts RX (185/135) CFC1 (135/95) CFC2 (95/65) M(75/55)
MIN 2 - :45 Max Sit-Ups
MIN 3 - :45 Max Cal Row
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Strength -- Ensure for new athletes going off feel, understand that they should be keeping weight moderate. It might even be a good idea to have them complete 5-5-5-5-5 sets to get a bit more exposure to the movement.
“Deadstop” Sumo Deadlift -- This movement requires significantly more attention to midline stabilization because of the reset with each rep. We’ll want to keep these lighter for athletes that struggle with maintaining midline stability, and we can utilize the raised starting surface for any athletes that struggle with ROM.
Sit-Ups -- We’re looking for athletes to work for the entire :45 each round, so if needed we can adjust the speed of the movement, or for our more deconditioned athletes, we can adjust the working time.
Cal Row -- This is meant to be a max effort with respect to the fact that we are working through 5 sets. We want our athletes to be working around 85% effort, so that it is repeatable and uncomfortable. New athletes can be modified to a :30-:35 effort to ensure repeatability.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Strength -- These can be Conventional or Sumo-style, but if an athlete cannot pull off the floor today, we can adjust this to a tempo Back Rack Good Morning or Back Rack Reverse Lunges.
“Deadstop” Sumo Deadlift -- We can adjust these to KB Deadlifts to allow athletes to get into a more upright position.
Sit-Ups -- We can adjust the Sit-Up to be less dynamic by swapping it with a static hold (Plank or Hollow Hold), or we can utilize Slow Deadbugs here.
Cal Row -- If equipment is a constraint, or if an athlete is unable to row, we can utilize the Bike, or athletes are welcome to run today!