2/6/2020: Tied Up
2 Rope Climb
25 Hang Muscle Snatch CFC 1 (75/55) CFC 2 (45/35)
75 Double Under
20 Banded Face Pulls
20 Banded Tricep Pull Down
20 Alt. V-Ups *All sets should be performed with a light or moderate band.
**STIMULUS** Workout -- Higher volume barbell cycling and double under work. Moderate duration and lighter loads. Goal for athletes is to nail down the hang muscle snatches in no more than three sets. Have athletes work their jump rope skill per round to a max set of 1:00. Overall goal is 3-5 rounds depending on the expected shoulder fatigue that will creep in. Finisher -- Quality shoulder, tricep, and core work. Moderate volume here and loading should be light to moderate. Focus on movement integrity over speed. Use the time to cool down and build community within the class!
**SCALING** *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*... Loading -- Loading on the barbell should be LIGHT. If you notice that athletes shoulder blades are rounding forward in between reps, we need to ensure they can maintain optimal shoulder position for all reps before allowing them to go higher in load. Newer/Deconditioned -- Scale the reps down for those who haven’t cycled snatches in a while to focus on quality over quantity.
*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Rope Climbs -- 2 Rope Lower To Raise per round, 3 Kipping Knees to Elbows to equal 1 rope climb, 2 Strict Pull Ups to equal 1 rope climb. Hang Muscle Snatch -- If an athlete can not go overhead, have them work the hang muscle clean at the same loading (LIGHT). If an athlete can go overhead, they can do alternating SA DB Muscle Snatches if working with a barbell doesn’t feel good today. Double Unders -- Tall Single Unders, Single/Doubles, Penguin Jumps, Plate Hops; all to be kept under 1:00 max per round. If bounding is no go due to injury, swap for rowing/biking (or even skiing if you have access) for about 15/12 Calories per round or 1:00 max.