1/29/2020: Wed. Snatch


MIN 1 - 3 Hang Power Snatch (Building)

MIN 2 - 9, 12, or 15 Toes to Bar

MIN 3 - 9, 12, or 15 Hand Release Push-Ups

*Athletes can choose which rep scheme they follow in the bodyweight movements. Power Snatch starts light then can build every round or every other round.

FINISHER 3 SETS 12 Barbell Bent Over Rows (Moderate)

1:00 Hollow Flutter Kicks

SCALING REPS, LOADING, VOLUME… This volume will add up but athletes pick their rep scheme today so this should allow for them to perform all their reps. The snatch load can stay moderate for athletes choosing to work more on technique.

MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS... Hang Power Snatch -- if the athlete cannot go overhead we can have them work on a couple different options: 5 hang snatch high pull, 5 snatch deadlift, or switch to hang power cleans. TTB -- if the athlete cannot perform the TTB they can sub for kipping straight leg raises or knees to chest kick ups. Knees to chest are ok for newer athletes or reverse situps for athletes that cannot hang from the pull-up bar.

Cross Fit