2/4/2020: Death By...
DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)....
6 Russian KB Swings (70/53) (53/35)
Reps increase by 6 every minute. 6-12-18...and so on
-Rest 3:00-
DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)...
5 Up-Down Box Jump Over (20) Reps increase by 5 every minute. 5-10-15...and so on
-Rest 3:00-
DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)...
4 Kipping Pull-Ups (C2B Optional) Reps increase by 4 every minute. 4-8-12...and so on
*7:00 Cap on all "Death By" Rounds. If fail before 7 completed rounds, drop down at least 2 levels from where you failed and then continue. No score needed on the above... Effort is what counts!
OPTIONAL FINISHER FOR TIME 400m Walking Lunge If you like to score something for today score the time is takes to finish... **STIMULUS** Longer duration workout split into three 7:00 sections. Athletes should look for a heavy weight on the Russian KBS that they can stay unbroken each minute. For the Up Down Box Jump Overs athletes should look to move quickly and get through the round of 20. Pull-ups we are looking for unbroken or quick sets to finish the reps before the time cap. For the finisher athletes should only go the full distance if they can continue to move without taking long rest periods. This will burn and athletes should be willing to embrace the pain and keep moving forward to get this done as quick as possible.
**SCALING** *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*... Workout -- For our beginner/deconditioned athlete find a weight that they can more comfortably and consistently. For the Up Down Box Jump Overs find a height that will allow them to move fast through each rep. If conditioning is a huge limitation have them perform the first 3 rounds as prescribed and then have them hold the reps from the 3rd round for the reminder of the time to get a good amount of repetitions in but also giving them, some rest to keep moving
*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Russian Kettlebell Swings -- If athletes are unable to swing the KB due to shoulder issues then have them perform KB Deadlifts Up Down Box Jump Overs -- Scale the height of the box to get all athletes jumping but if they are unable to jump have them perform Up Down Step-ups Pull-ups -- Jumping Pull-ups are a great scale for quick moving sets but if the athlete wants to work more on strength than have them perform Ring rows instead