3/09/2020: Jump Into Monday
MIN 1 - 1-2 Strict Muscle-Up or 5-7 Strict Pull-Up
MIN 2 - 5-7 Tall Box Jumps*
*Athlete Choice on height. Two-foot take off with no step into the jump. Mandatory step-down.
5 Deadlift (AHAP)*
7 Ring Muscle-Ups or Burpee Pull-Ups
21 Box Jump (24/20)
*Ideal DL weight should force at least 1-2 breaks per set of 5 reps. You should not be able to do (5) unbroken pulls on any set.
SCALING *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*… MU / PU in Skill -- adjust as needed to get to the desired rep numbers with the toughest pull possible. Desired reps are 5-7 for PU / 2-3 for the MU. If you have a ninja, scale them up to a weighted PU or MU for the same reps. Box Jump -- same deal as the pull, keep the reps the same but try to get to the proper height. DL -- loading should be very heavy. If not able to load this heavy, increase the reps to 10 or 12 per round with moderate or moderate heavy loading.
*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Muscle Up / Pull-Up -- can be adjusted to banded pull-up or ring row (elevated ring row would be a nice challenge!) Box Jump -- If jump isn’t possible, work with a weighted box step-up or a weighted russian box step-up. Deadlift -- if can’t get to proper back position, widen stance to sumo or have the athlete pull with the bar elevated off the ground on plates Muscle Up -- should be adjusted to burpee pull-up or jumping MU. C2B pull-up also an option but should increase reps to 10-14 depending on the athlete. Box Jump -- can be adjusted to step-up or lunges