2/25/2020: 20 for Tuesday
15/12 Cal Bike
15 DB Bench Press RX (50/35) CFC 1 (35/20) CFC 2 (20/15)*
3 Wall Walks *For the DB Bench, athletes can use flat bench or rest upper back on medball.
SCALING *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*… Cal Bike -- Scale the calories down to allow athlete to only work for no more than 1:30 DB Bench Press -- The weight of the DBs should allow for athlete to achieve the reps in 2-3 sets each time they grab the DBs Wall Walks -- Scale the number down for athletes unable to complete the 3 reps within 1:00-1:15. For beginner/deconditioned athletes have them walk halfway up the to develop body awareness. Using movements like the inchworm or walking pike on the box will allow athletes to get used to walking on their hands while maintaining a braced midline.
*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Cal Bike -- Bike can be scaled for Cals on the rower or 200m run DB Bench Press -- Floor Press are a good alternative or Seated DB Strict Press for athletes unable to press from the chest Wall Walks -- If an athlete is unable to climb up the wall you can scale the movement to Inchworms or use a box and walk into a pike position