2/28/2020: Controlled Friday
MIN 1 - 12/10 Cal Bike (Moderate Effort)
MIN 2 - 5 Tempo Strict Pull-Ups (1111)
MIN 1 - 10 Single DB Snatch (AHAP)*
MIN 2 - 20 DB Goblet Squat (AHAP)
MIN 3 - Max Reps of 1 Up-Down + 1 Bar Muscle-Up *Alternate arms each rep for a total of 10 reps.
SCALING *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*… Snatch -- reduce reps here as needed to go heavy. Athletes should be able to finish in sub :50. Goblet Squat -- these will be quicker, even with the heavy DB. We want volume...so try and keep the athlete at 12-15+ reps with as heavy of a DB as they can snatch and then pull to the Goblet position. UD+BMU -- adjust to an “automatic” version of the movement. We don’t want to see any roadblocks here. Should be smooth singles throughout the working minute.
*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Snatch -- if heavy isn’t working for the snatch, feel free to adjust to a heavy KB swing or you could go lighter with a double DB snatch. Goblet Squat -- holding here can be tough...if an athlete can hold out front, have them support by holding on the shoulders in the front rack. UD+BMU -- can be adjusted to Up-Down to whatever the most advanced skill the athlete can accomplish for a single rep. If adjusting to practice, you can have the athlete just work the pulling skill (take the Up-Down out and focus on controlled reps).