3/20/2020: 20 RM?!


20RM Back Squat (Score is Load)


60 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)

60 Pull-Ups

80 Sit-Ups

40 Pull-Ups

40 Wall Balls

-Hard Cap 15:00-

OPTIONAL COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 2:00 Foam Roll (IT Band - L) 2:00 Foam Roll (IT Band - R) 2:00 Foam Roll (T-Spine / Upper Back)

SCALING *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*... Back Squat- for beginner or deconditioned athletes, we can scale them back to 2-3 sets of 10 reps. Wall Balls: athletes should be able to perform sets of 15-20 reps at a time- scale the load accordingly. Pull-Ups: for athletes working on pull-ups, but not proficient enough for this rep scheme, they can scale back the number of reps to 50 and 30. Sit-Ups: athletes should be able to complete in 2 sets or less- scale the volume accordingly.

*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Back Squat: we can sub Front Squats, or Deadlifts. Wall Balls: we can sub MedBall Front Squats or MedBall Push Press to Target. Pull-Ups: we can sub Jumping Pull-Ups, Ring Rows, or DB Bent Over Rows. Sit-Ups: we can sub Reverse Crunches, or Mountain Climbers if an athlete cannot perform Sit-Ups.



MIN 1 - 15/12 Cal. Row

MIN 2 - 5/5 Single Arm DB Devil's Press

MIN 3 - 10/10 Single DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges*

*Perform all 10 Reverse Lunges on the Right Leg, then 10 on the Left Leg. DB is held with both arms across the shoulders.

OPTIONAL FINISHER 2 SETS :45 Left Side Plank Hold :15 Rest :45 Right Side Plank Hold :15 Rest :45 Glute Bridge Hold :15 Rest



MIN 1 - :45 Max Run, Bike, or Row for Distance

MIN 2 - 10 Backpack Devil's Press

MIN 3 - 20 Alt Reverse Backpack Lunges

OPTIONAL FINISHER 2 SETS :45 Left Side Plank Hold :15 Rest :45 Right Side Plank Hold :15 Rest :45 Glute Bridge Hold :15 Rest

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*... Although the Volume is not high it may be challenging to complete in the allotted time of the EMOM format. Have athletes scale to 3/3 Devils Press, 7/7 Lunges, and calories on the row that can be completed in :50 or less consistently.

*Movement Adjustments*... Row -- Sub for a 12/10 Bike, or 200m Run. Devil’s Press -- if an athlete cannot perform any part of the Devil’s Press, we can take away the parts of the Devil’s Press (ex: Devils Press with a clean to avoid overhead, DB Burpee Deadlifts, DB Snatch with 8/8 or DB Clean). Lunges -- If an athlete cannot lunge today, we can sub Step-Ups. If an athlete cannot perform Step-Ups, we can sub 10/10 Single Arm DB Front Squats.

Cross Fit