Power Snatch RX (95/65) CFC1 (65/45)
COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 200m Walk Nasal Breathing Only 2:00 Foam Roll Lat (R) 2:00 Foam Roll Lat (L) SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Strict Pull-Up -- Athletes are working on building strength in the strict movement- scale back the volume if needed for athletes that can consistently perform 3-5 strict reps. For athletes unable to perform at least 3-5 consistently, we can scale back the load by working with a band, negatives, or challenging Ring Rows. Power Snatch -- For the extended warm-up, athletes are working on building to a moderate-heavy set of 5 TnG reps- we want to keep the TnG stimulus, so we can keep the weight on the moderate to moderate-light side to allow athletes to practice the cycling rather than focusing on building in weight. In the workout, we can scale back the loading to allow athletes to cycle consistently in sets of 8-10 reps at a time. Pull-Up -- We can scale back the volume in the workout to allow athletes that can complete 3-5 reps of the Pull-Ups at a time to complete repeatable efforts. For athletes unable to perform Kipping Pull-Ups, we can scale back the loading by utilizing a Jumping Pull-Up or a repeatable Ring Row. *Movement Adjustments*... Strict Pull-Up -- A Single Arm DB Bent Over Row is a great option for any athletes unable to hang from the bar today. Power Snatch -- We can sub a Power Clean for any athletes that cannot go overhead today. A KBS is also a great option if a Power Clean is a no-go! Kipping Pull-Up -- Barbell Bent Over Rows or Supinated Ring Rows are a solid scaling option for any athletes who cannot hang from the bar.