15 Perfect Hollow Rocks
30 Band Pull Aparts
3-5 Negative Handstand Push-Ups*
3-5 Tempo Hollow Body Strict Pull-Ups (30X1)
*Descent only.
(No Measure)
400m Run*
18 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
18 Strict Pull-Ups
400m Run
36 Handstand Push-Ups
36 Pull-Ups*
*Chest to Bar optional.
*Sub Cal Bike (2:00 time domain max = 20/15 cal).
HSPU Option 1: Pike Push-Ups
HSPU Option 2: Seated DB Strict Press
1:00 Double KB Front Rack Hold (Athlete Choice)
10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridge
-Rest as needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Run -- This should be the least of anyone’s worries today! We want the run to be fast, but not a sprint- think 2:00-2:30 for most athletes. We can put a time cap, or lower the distance from the beginning on this movement to allow athletes to move quickly but not be completely gassed after.
HSPU (Strict & Kipping) -- We start with a more strength-demanding movement, so for our athletes that are not yet proficient with the Strict HSPU, we can adjust the ROM by adding an Abmat under the Head, or we can shave off some of the reps to ensure our athletes are moving consistently. For Kipping HSPU, we can utilize the same approach, or we can have our athletes do a combination of a few HSPU and a few DB Press so they get the practice but are still moving.
Pull-Up (Strict & Kipping) -- Similar to the HSPU adjustments, if we have any athletes that aren’t strong enough to get through all 18 Strict Pull-Ups, we can either adjust the reps, or we can add a band to assist. For the Kipping Pull-Ups, we can utilize a combination of Kipping (a number that will allow athletes to maintain POP) and Jumping to keep moving here as well.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Run -- If we have any athletes that cannot run today, or if scaling the distance would drastically change the stimulus of the run, we can sub Cal Bike (2:00 time domain max = 20/15 cal).
HSPU (Strict & Kipping) -- If we have any athletes who cannot go upside down today, we can sub Pike Push-Ups or Seated
DB Press for both Strict & Kipping.
Pull-Up (Strict & Kipping) -- For any of our athletes that cannot hang from the bar today, we can sub DB Bent Over Row or
Ring Rows for both Strict & Kipping.