10/16/2019: Iceman
5 sets
500m Row
100 Double Under
Power Snatch (weights and reps in Notes)
-Rest 3:00 b/t sets-
Scoring: Time
Athletes Notes
Set 1: 20 Power Snatch RX 155/105, B 135/95, C 95/65, M 75/ 55
Set 2: 15 Power Snatch RX 185/125, B 155/105, C 135/95, M 95/65
Set 3: 10 Power Snatch RX 205/135, B 185/125, C 155/105, M 135/95
Set 4: 15 Power Snatch RX 185/125, B 155/105, C 135/95, M 95/65
Set 5: 20 Power Snatch RX 155/105, B 135/95, C 95/65, M 75/ 55
*Row should be done in under 1:50/2:00
*Double unders are ideally done in 1-3 sets
*Power Snatch weight should not be over 80% 1 RM
Target time each set: sub 5:00
Time cap each set: 7:00
Scale to the following to finish near the target time:
4 Sets:
400m Row
75 Double Under