10/21/2019: Scream


Back Squat 3x10

In tempo (4:0:3:0)

*4 second descent, no pause, 3 second ascent, no pause

*Go for holding the tempo over adding heavy weights.

*These are most for quality


3 Rounds:

9 Power Clean/Jerk RX (205/145), B 185/105, C 135/95, M 95/65

3 Rope Climb

Athletes Notes

*Power clean and jerk should not be over 65% 1 RM, can be done as fast singles.

*Rope climbs should be done in 1:15 or less each round

Target Time: sub 7:00

Time Cap: 11:00

Scale to the following to finish near the target time:

3 rounds

8 Power Clean/Jerk


2 Rope Climb

Cross Fit