10/1/2019: Peanut Butter Jelly Time


Front Squat 5-3-1-1-1-1-1

*The 5 and 3 should be working weights that are smooth

*continue to build through the 5x1. Anything in the 90-95% range is solid.

Scoring: Load


3 rounds

100 Double Under

10 Deadlift 315/225

2 Rope Climb

Athletes Notes

*Look to complete the double unders unbroken, 2 sets tops!

Deadlifts should be done in 1-2 sets. Don’t pick up the bar until you are ready to hit at least 5 reps

Rope climbs will get grippy after double unders and deads so use 10-20 secs after deadlifts to get chalk and relax the grip.

Target Time: 8:00

Time Cap: 12:00

Cross Fit