11/28/2019: Thanksgiving Day Turkey Hunt

Partner up - It's a Turkey Hunt!!

Partner A/Partner B - may switch as often as you need until all reps are completed by BOTH athletes (unless indicated differently)

The Turkey Hunt begins --- 2,000 M Row (any way you like)

Turkey spotted across the river and up hill...

90 Double Unders/90 Mt. Climbers

Turkey jumped into a tree, help your partner climb up the tree

80 Pull ups/ 80 Push Press (95/65)

Turkey jumped out of the tree and ran through the forest . Jump over or pick up the fallen trees

70 Box Jump Overs/ 70 hang Power Cleans (95/65)

Turkey got away... sneak attack!!

60 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)/ 60 Burpees

Shoot at it!!

50 Wall Balls/Rest

You missed... pick your veggies

40 DB Snatch/ 40 Swings (50/35)

Carry your veggies home

Partner Carry - Down and back one time (Anyway you can!)

One last chance to lure your turkey back with an elaborate turkey Mating ritual dance!

20 Wall Walks/ Rest while make mating calls

Turkey is looking for you... run and hide

10 suicides/plank hold

Cross Fit