12/17/2019: Cindy-esque


5 Strict or C2B Pull-Ups*

10 Hand-Release Push-Ups

15/12 Cal Bike

*Athlete choice each round on Strict or C2B Pull-Ups

STIMULUS The workout today is a longer duration bodyweight AMRAP. The overall volume of bodyweight reps is moderate to high. We want to see constant moving throughout the 20:00. For the Pull Ups we are looking for quick sets, preferably multiple reps. Higy gymnastics movers will be in the 10-12 range, while most should aim for between 7-9. How the athlete attacks the bike will ultimately decide the workout. Each Bike set should under 1:15.

SCALING REPS, LOADING, VOLUME... Push Up volume should be monitored to be sure athletes pick the correct mod.

MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS... Strict Pull Ups or C2B - Scale these by using a band. For athletes that have Strict Pull Ups and want to go for an extra challenge, utilize the band for Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups. Hand Release Push Ups - Perform from the knees or on a low box/bar.

Cross Fit