12/16/2019: Push, Pull


Build to 1RM Push Press*

ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Take 15 mins to workup to a 1 RM push press. Weights should come out of the rack. Stimulus The strength today is the definition of HEAVY! We are retesting our 1RM Push Press and as such will be looking for a true 1RM. This means there will be a moderate volume of Push Press at maximal loads with potential attempts after failures. The goal here is finding a new 1RM and lifting as heavy as possible!



Push Jerk RX (155,105) B (135,95)

*15 Cal Row After Every Set -15:00 Hard Cap-


3:00 Foam Rolling Upper Back / Lats 3:00 Foam Rolling Inner Thighs / Quads

STIMULUS The load on the bar is moderate-heavy with moderate volume. The real kicker is the intensity. Each set of Push Jerks should aim to be completed unbroken or in 2 sets with a quick rest between efforts. The row should be doable at or under 1:00 per round at a moderate-high pace. Most athletes will be in the 12:00-14:00 range.

SCALING REPS, LOADING, VOLUME... Athletes can drop their calories to 12/10 or 10/8 to avoid a long time spent on the rower.

MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS... Push Press - If athletes are unable to perform Push Press for any pain, try a Strict Press or Bench Press. We are looking for a strong pushing movement. Cal Row - Aiming to have a goal that can be reached in under 1:00 at a moderate-high intensity. 200m Run, 15 Cal Bike/Ski

Cross Fit