1/6/2020: First Monday of 2020


Extended Warm up / Skill Coach Lead

3-3-3 Tempo Deadlift (3-0x1)* 3-3-3.... Working to a heavy 3 set, something above weight you plan to use in WOD. *Goal is to build from light to moderate-heavy then continue building the DL to workout weight without tempo after 3rd set.


8-6-4-2-4-6-8 Deadlift (275/185)|(185/135)*

*After Every Set Complete...

8 Handstand Push-ups - (Strict Optional)

16 Slam Balls - (30/20)|(20/10)

REPS, LOADING, VOLUME… Deadlift -- Scale the loading on the barbell to be a hard weight, but not something that is going to compromise form.

MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS... Deadlift -- For athletes who are unable to maintain a flat back/tight midline, elevate the weight on a few plates. Another option, is opting for a KB deadlift. Handstand Push-up -- Scale to feet/knees on a box if an athlete wants to work on the inverted position, but isn’t ready for the full HSPU. Can also scale to a seated DB strict press. Slamball -- Scale to a plate G2O or a RKB Swing.

Cross Fit