MIn 1 - 2 Ring Pull-Ups + 2 Kip Swings + 2 Hips to Ring
Min 2 - 3 Power Cleans (Building from Moderate to Moderate-Heavy) (No Measure)
20 Ring Muscle-Ups*
Then in the remaining time...
2 ROUNDS 7 Power Cleans RX (135/95) CFC1 (95/65) CFC2 (75/55) M (45/35)
7 Lateral Burpees Over Bar into...
5 Power Cleans RX (155/105) CFC1 (115/75) CFC 2 (95/65) M (75/55)
7 Lateral Burpees Over Bar into...
AMRAP in remaining time of...
3 Power Cleans RX (185/125) CFC1 (135/95) CFC2 (115/75) M (95/65)
7 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
*3:00 Hard Cap on MU (Score is Rounds + Reps)
SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Ring Muscle Up-- We are looking for our athletes to complete these in under 3:00- that means athletes should be proficient enough to cycle through at least 8-10 reps at a time. We can scale the volume back for any athletes not able to complete 20- scaling back to something athletes can repeatedly do for sets of 3-5 reps (at least 2 sets here). We can also cut down the working time to 2:00 for any athletes that need an added challenge. Power Cleans-- Athletes should start with a weight they can hold onto unbroken for both rounds of 7 reps, the second set, athletes should be able to hold on for at least 3 reps unbroken, and the last set, athletes would move to quick singles- we can scale the loading back to allow athletes to work through each of these sets with this strategy. Burpees Over Bar-- We want athletes to move consistently through these 7 reps each round- for our newer or more deconditioned athletes, we can scale back the volume to allow our athletes to move without having to stop and gasp for air at any point.
*Movement Adjustments*... Ring Muscle Up-- The Burpee Pull-Up, Jumping Bar Muscle-Up, or C2B Pull-Ups can be modified for any athletes that cannot perform RMU. If an athlete cannot hang from the bar, we can sub a Renegade Row. Power Cleans-- Modify athletes to a Hang Power Clean if they cannot pull off the ground, or we can sub a Front Squat for any athlete unable to hinge at all. Athletes can also complete heavy KB Swings or Slam Balls in unable to work with the bar today. Burpees Over Bar-- We can sub Up-Down Over Bar if an athlete cannot push out of a Burpee, or we can sub Cal Bike for any athlete unable to perform the jump of the Burpee or jump over bar.