EVERY 3:00 x 18 MINUTES...
30 Wall Balls RX (20/14) CFC1 (14/10)
15/12 Cal Bike
MAX Double Unders in Time Remaining*
*No Additional Rest b/t Sets
1:30 Wall-Sit
:30 Perfect Hollow Rocks
-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-
SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Wall Balls -- We are looking for our athletes to work through these in 1:00 or less- that means completing each set of 30 in no more than 2-3 sets, ideally unbroken. We can scale back the weight on the ball to allow athletes to move through these, and for your newer or more deconditioned athletes, we can scale the volume down to something they can complete in 2 sets or less. Bike -- Each time athletes are on the Bike we want them finishing in under 1:00 each set- that means starting with a rep scheme that would allow athletes to complete in :45-:50, so that once they’re tired, they can still finish in under 1:00. For our newer or more deconditioned athletes, we can scale back the volume to something they can complete in under :50. Double Unders -- We want everyone to have roughly :30-:50 here- if this is too much volume for some of your newer or more deconditioned athletes, prescribe a set amount of working time to allow for some rest before going into the next set.
*Movement Adjustments*... Wall Balls -- Modify athletes to a WB Front Squat for any athlete who cannot press overhead, or a WB Push Press to Target for any athlete that cannot Squat. Bike -- 18/15 Cal Row or a 200m Run should be your go-to scales today