Build to a Heavy 3-Rep Deadlift (Score is Weight)
DB Deadlift RX (50/35) CFC1 (35/20)*
Toes to Bar
*Both heads of each DB must touch the ground each time.
SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Strength -- Everyone should hit some heavy weight for a set of 3 TNG reps. For our newer or more deconditioned athletes, they might benefit more from increasing the rep scheme and keeping the weight a little lower. Prescribing a set number of sets and reps is helpful here for these athletes. DB Deadlift -- We are looking for our athletes to complete these in no more than 3 sets each round. We can scale back the load on the DBs to allow athletes to move consistently through these reps without compromising their lumbar spine position. T2B -- These should be completed in at least sets of 5-8 reps. For our athletes not proficient with T2B, we can scale back the volume, or we can have them perform a mix of T2B and a scaling option to allow them to practice linking T2B each round and getting more volume with a scaling option.
*Movement Adjustments*... Deadlift -- Modify athletes to a Sumo Deadlift for any that have a hard time maintaining proper positioning in a conventional Deadlift. We can also sub Back or Front Rack Reverse Lunges if an athlete cannot hinge. DB Deadlift -- We can substitute a single DB, or we can do a Goblet Squat if an athlete cannot hinge today. T2B -- Hanging Knee Raises, Toes to Something, or Lying Toes to Pole are all great options for today (see Teaching section).