


MIN 1 - 5 Tempo Sumo Deadlifts (3 0 X 1 -- Building to Moderate-Heavy)

MIN 2 - :45 Double or Triple Under Practice MIN 3 - Rest (Score is Weight)



MIN 1 - 5 Sumo Deadlifts (RX 275/185) CFC1(185/135) CFC2(135/95)

+ 50 Double Unders

MIN 2 - :45 Max Sit-Ups

MIN 3 - 15 Up-Downs

+ 5 Sumo Deadlifts

MIN 4 - :45 Hollow Hold (Score is Reps)

ADJUSTING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Loading -- Aim is to go unbroken on the Sumo Deadlift, so modify athletes to a lighter bar if needed to meet this standard. New athletes should live in the moderate range for today even if they went heavy in the extended warm-up. Reps -- The goal is to finish all the movements with :10-:15 to rest for the next minute. Modify the Double Unders to :30 of attempts and lower the Up-Downs to 8-10 reps depending on how deconditioned the athlete is. Volume -- Overall volume is pretty high so if new athletes are having trouble recovering consider using the last minute of the EMOM as a full rest minute instead of a Hollow Hold.

*Movement Adjustments*... Sumo DL -- Modify athletes to a heavy DBL KB Deadlift, a Front Rack Reverse Lunge, or a Barbell Good Morning. Double Unders -- Athletes unable to jump can complete 50 Mountain Climbers, Jumping Jacks, or Plate Hops. Sit-Ups -- If unable to complete Sit-Ups, the athlete can hold a Plank for :45 or complete :45 of Quad Heel Taps. Up-Downs -- Athletes can attempt Squat Thrusts or Shoulder Taps if the Up-Down is causing issues.

Cross Fit