


1x6 @ 65-70% (Light-Moderate) of 2RM

1x6 @ 70-75% (Mod)

1x6+ @75-80% (Mod-Heavy)*

*As many reps as possible w/o failure...no more than 8-10.

(Score is Weight)



20 Alt. Pistol Squats or 40 Air Squats

6 Ring Muscle-Ups*

*Option for 12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Back Squat -- First set should be light, second set moderate, third set moderate-heavy, meaning that feeling is based on today’s effort rather than strictly adhering to the percentages. Similar to the previous strength days this week, new athletes or athletes that did not test their 2RM should go by feel and and with a moderate-heavy weight.

Pistol Squat -- We are looking for athletes to move consistently through these reps each round- there is an option for Air Squats if newer or more deconditioned athletes need the added balance...keep in mind 40 per round might be a bit much so modifying them to 20 might be the way to go depending on their conditioning level. We can also adjust the reps for athletes not proficient with Pistols down to 10-2 reps.

Ring Muscle-Up -- We can adjust the rep scheme for any athletes not yet proficient to 2-3 reps or a 1:00 window for attempts, or we can adjust to C2B Pull-Ups for athletes that would like to work on that skill in its place. Deconditioned athletes should look to work through a moderately challenging gymnastics pull but the focus should be on constant movement for these athletes instead of movement difficulty.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Back Squat -- Athletes can Squat to a box for the strength if that solves the issue. They also have the option of completing Back Rack Lunges or Suitcase Split Squats.

Pistol Squat -- Different Lunge variations will be great modifiers for today. Split Squats, Cossack Squats, or Reverse/ Forward Lunges are all great options.

Ring Muscle-Up -- Lean into the C2B Pull-ups like in the options, or we can sub a challenging Ring Row + Ring Dip for our more beginner athletes. For those that are unable to pull see if a heavy KB Swing or Slam Ball can be used as an adjustment.

Cross Fit