1x4 @ 70-75% (Moderate) of 2RM
1x4 @ 75-80% (Mod)
1x4+ @ 80-85% (Mod-Heavy)*
As many reps as possible w/o
failure...no more than 8-10.
(Score is Weight)
Front Squat RX (115/75) CFC1 (75/55) CFC2 (65/45) M(45/35)
Burpee Pull-Up
-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Front Squat -- Load should allow athletes to complete their Front Squats unbroken. Modify load before lowering reps.
Burpee Pull-Up -- Each rep here is a long movement and will definitely add up for athletes that are less conditioned. Consider a 12-9-6 rep scheme for the Burpee Pull-Ups.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Back Squat -- For athletes that cannot perform the Back Squat they should be provided substitutes that focus on strengthening the lower extremities that will carry over to the Back Squat. Options would be a Back Rack Lunge or Heavy Weighted Step-Ups.
Front Squat -- Substitutes here should focus on front rack and lower extremity. Good substitutes would be using a pair of DBs or KBs to help athletes that struggle with the front rack and have them perform Front Squats, Front Rack Lunges, or Front Rack Step-Ups.
Burpee Pull-Ups -- A few options to substitute here. Athletes can sub for Up-Downs in place of Burpees or Jumping Pull-Ups in place of Pull-Ups. If the athlete cannot hang they can perform a DB Burpee Power Clean.