40/30 Cal Bike
30 Sit-Ups
20 Walking Lunges
3/3 Turkish Get-Ups (Athlete Choice)*
*DB or KB option. 1 Rep = ground to standing position only.
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
10 Slow Barbell Curls
10 Slow Bent Over Rows
10 Slow Reverse Curls
(No Measure)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Bike -- Consistency is the name of the game on the Bike today! This Bike should take around 3:00 or less for our athletes today- that might mean adjusting the calories to allow for this at around 80% effort (shouldn’t need to go all out to hit that goal time frame!).
Sit-Ups -- Our Sit-Ups are a chance to lower the heart rate and catch our breath before moving into Walking Lunges- these should take no more than 1:00, so if athletes struggle with higher volumes of Sit-Ups, we can adjust the reps to allow them to finish in :45-1:00.
Walking Lunges -- These are at a pretty manageable rep scheme, but they shouldn’t take more than 1:00 to get through. If any athletes need to adjust, we can absolutely adjust the reps to allow all athletes to finish around :30-:45.
Turkish Get-Ups -- We are focusing on just the “Up” portion of the TGU, which gives athletes the ability to go a little heavier with the weight they choose (less time under tension!). No matter what weight athletes choose, the movement should look under control the entire time. For newer athletes, or athletes with less ROM, we can keep the weight lighter to focus on getting into solid positions.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Bike -- For equipment constraints, we can utilize any monostructural movement today- SkiErg, Rower, or Running- all great options.
Sit-Ups -- If you have any athletes that cannot hinge for Sit-Ups, we can sub a static movement like a Plank, or we can use a movement like Deadbugs or even Russian Twists here!
Walking Lunges -- If Lunges are not a great option for any athletes with bad knees, we can sub a lower Box Step Up, or even an Air Squat today.
Turkish Get-Ups -- This is a slower movement, focused more on strength. If an athlete cannot perform any part of the TGU, we can take out that piece. If it’s overhead, we can break down the movement to be a Weighted Sit-Up and Front Rack Lunges.