


1x2 @ 80% (Moderate) of 2RM

1x2 @ 85-90% (Mod-Heavy)

1x2+ @ 95% (Heavy)*

*As many reps as possible w/o failure...no more than 4-6.

(Score is Weight)




200m Run

5 Burpees

Max Double Unders in time remaining…

-Rest :30 b/t Sets-

(Score is Reps)


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Strict Press -- We’re working with our heaviest sets of this cycle today! For any athletes that are newer, more deconditioned, or who haven’t been following the strength cycle- all good. Let’s move away from percentages and work off feel (moderate for the first set, mod-heavy for the second, and heavy for the third).

Run -- In the Workout, this should be fast each round, taking under 1:00 each set. For our newer or more deconditioned athletes, we can set a time limit and just have athletes run for 1:00 (or less if needed!), and then come back inside for their Burpees.

Burpees -- These can be tough for some athletes that have less body awareness or need to adjust the movement itself.

We’re looking for 5 reps to take no more than :15, so if needed, we can adjust the rep scheme to allow athletes to complete in that time frame.

Double Unders -- If athletes move quickly through the Run and Burpees, they should have roughly :30-1:00 to work on Double Unders. That’s a big range! We’re looking for our athletes to be able to move consistently for at least :20-:30 before having to stop (unless they trip up!). Athletes not proficient with DU, can count all their attempts, or mix it up and perform Singles and Doubles to keep moving.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Strict Press -- If an athlete cannot press overhead today, we can sub Bench Press (with a barbell or DBs).

Run -- It might be too cold where you are, or maybe an athlete cannot run today, so we can utilize any other monostructural equipment if needed (Row, Bike, Ski).

Burpees -- We can adjust the Burpee to an elevated surface if needed, or we can sub Up-Downs, or even Mountain Climbers (20 reps) if an athlete cannot perform a Burpee today.

Double Unders -- If Jumping is not in the cards today for any of your athletes, we can sub Slam Balls

Cross Fit