1/31/2020: Finish Strong on Friday




Strict Press*

*Start moderate and build to heaviest set of 3.



15 Push Press CFC 1 (115/75) CFC 2 (75/55)

25 Box Jump (24/20)

-Rest 1:00-

30 Push Press CFC 1 (115/75) CFC 2 (75/55)

50 Box Jumps (24/20)

SCALING REPS, LOADING, VOLUME… Workout -- in the first couplet you want to see athletes be able to complete each full round in 2:00-2:30 or less. In the second couplet, 5:00-6:00 cap overall. Loading should not be a limiting factor today. We are looking to test moderate-light cycle times and overall fitness. This is not a test of pure strength...lighter and faster.

MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS... Push Press -- in the workout, newer athletes might have an easier time with the DB Push Press than barbell push press. This might also get you more appropriate / easier to figure out loading for newer athletes. Box Jump -- reduce height or have athlete perform a step-up. If there’s no jump or step-up possible, have the athlete perform alternating lunges in place.

Cross Fit