2/11/2020: Bar Cycling



2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

*Start moderate-light and build to moderate-heavy set with perfect mechanics. Bar can come from the rack or the floor.

*15 mins



MIN 1 - 7 Push Press then Max Push Jerks Until :50 RX (115/75) CFC 1 (75/55) CFC 2 (65/45)

MIN 2 - 5 Burpees then Double Unders Task Priority*

*Intro - 75 Fast Single Unders Intermediate - 40 Double Unders Advanced - 40 Unbroken Double Unders

**STIMULUS** Our workout is an EMOM switching movements each minute. For minute 1 athletes should have a moderate weight that they feel comfortable moving for multiple reps even under fatigue. Athletes should shoot for 10+ reps on the Push Jerks. Minute 2 we expect 5 unbroken Burpees and fast reps on the Jump Rope. Minute 2 is where most athletes will have a tad bit more rest. Either way :10 of rest before each round to allow for transition and slight recovery.

**SCALING** *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*… Workout -- Most athletes will have to scale the weight lower than expected and this is fine! Focus more on the intensity of the workout than the actual weight. Set goals for your athletes for the Jump Rope round, they can’t do 40 Unbroken Double Unders then should for 25-30 and then finish the remaining reps.

*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Press -- For athletes unable to get into the Front Rack have them use DBs. Burpee -- Up Downs for athletes unable to perform the full Burpee or Slam Balls are a great alternative to rev up the heart rate Double Unders -- Plate Hops are another great option for athletes to create a similar feeling to the Double Unders

Cross Fit