2/10/2020: Christine



Build to Heavy 5-Rep Deadlift



500m Row

12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight)*

21 Box Jumps (20")

14:00 Time Cap

*BW DL should be considered relatively light and done unbroken.

**STIMULUS** For our workout we will have a 14:00 time cap on this workout, it should be fast. Fittest athletes should finish around the 10:00-11:00 range. The rows should be handled at 1000m pace or better throughout so look for athletes to finish each set in between 1:45-2:15. Deadlift weight is relative to the athlete’s body weight so it should be a moderate weight that athletes are able to lift fast & unbroken. Box Jumps are expected to be completed quickly, so have each athlete find a pace and height on the box that allows them to move continuously.

**SCALING** *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*… Beginner/deconditioned athletes should keep the weight light-moderate and work on form as they build a tolerance to the movement. Workout -- The Row should take athletes 1:45-2:15 if it takes any longer, we can cap athletes at 2:15 or pick a distance that they can achieve in that timeframe. Deadlifts should be done unbroken so have athletes find a moderate weight that they can move with good form for all 12 reps. Box Jump should be unbroken but if athletes start to get too fatigued then we can switch to Step-ups.

*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Deadlifts -- Stack a few plates to shorten the distance of the descent. Sumo Deadlifts are a great option and if an athlete is unable to Deadlift have to perform Back Squats from the rack Row -- 400m Run or 2:00 on the Bike are great ways to scale the the rower Box Jumps -- Scale the height of the box or scale to Step-ups for athletes unable to jump

Cross Fit