2/13/2020: Grind
400m Run (5 down and backs)- Sub Rowing 400M if running is out.
500m Row
1500m Bike
20 Perfect Push-Ups
30 Sit-Ups
40 Walking Lunges
1:00 Athlete Choice* *Athlete Choice (can pick one or mix it up!)... Hollow Hold or Rocks Plank Hold or Plank Shoulder Taps Deadbugs Quad Heel Touches Sit-Thrus
COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 5:00 Flow Stretching & Calm Breathing
**SCALING** *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*… Time Domains -- For our monostructural efforts, adjust distance if necessary to keep the effort to 70-75% exertion and still finishing within 2:30-3:00 respectively. Reps/Volume -- Reps and volume may be high for the push ups per round. Encourage athletes to keep sets per round to no more than 4 before moving onward.
*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Monostructural Efforts -- Double up on options athletes can do if injury is a limiter. Example: Bike, Row, Bike (For an athlete who can not run). Perfect Push Ups -- Keep the perfect plank and control here with all reps. Banded push ups and full body push ups are the first scaling options as opposed to going right for the knee push ups today. Walking Lunges -- Sub for air squats if walking lunges don’t work for someone today. If squat based movement patterns are a no go due to injury, see if they can work in some lighter stiff-legged plate deadlifts. Sit Ups -- Sub for a plank/core hold of about a minute if an athlete is limited in flexion of the spine due to injury. Because of this, have them select two different “Athlete Choice” movements.