2/17/2020: Gut Check Monday

400m Run

50 Box Jump + Step-Down (24/20)

40 DBL KB Front Rack Lunges (35/25)

30 Hand Release Push-ups

50 Up-Downs

30 Hand Release Push-ups

40 DBL KB FR Lunges 50 Box Jump + Step-Down

400m Run *Weight Vest Optional (Score is Time)

COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 5:00 Flow Stretching - Full Body (No Measure)

**SCALING** *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*... Workout -- For our beginner/deconditioned athletes scale down some of the reps to keep them moving at a consistent pace. Shorten the distance of the run to allow for a time of 2:00 or less. For our advanced athletes have them add heavier weight to increase the difficulty of workout by grabbing heavier DBs or with a weighted vest.

*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... Box Jump + Step-Down -- Step-ups can be substituted for Box Jumps or shorten the height of the box DBL KB Front Rack Lunges -- Bodyweight Lunges or Air Squats are great substitutions Hand Release Push-ups -- For athletes unable to perform Push-ups have them do DB Floor Press Up-Downs -- Russian KB Swings are a great alternative to keep with the goal of closing and opening of the hip

Cross Fit