3/13/2020: It's Fri-Yay
50' HS Walk or Quad Crawl
20 Slow Deadbugs
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets- HS Walk/Quad Crawl: review progressions for options for athletes unable to perform Free HS Walking.
MIN 1-4 - Run 800m (10 down and backs)
MIN 5-8 - AMRAP of…
3 Wall Walk
15 Slam Balls RX (30/20) CFC 1 (20/10)
-Rest 4:00-
MIN 1-2 - Run 200m (2.5 down and backs)
MIN 3-4 - AMRAP of…
2 DB Up-Down RX (50/35) CFC 1 (35/20)
4 DB Box Step-Ups (24/20)
SCALING *REPS, LOADING, VOLUME*… Wall Walk: we can scale back the volume if athletes spent too much time upside down in the Skill work, or if form andfunction start to deteriorate as reps go on. Slam Ball: athletes should be able to complete Slam Balls unbroken throughout- scale the load accordingly. Run: athletes should be able to complete 800m in 4min or less, and 200m in 1 min or less- scale the distance accordingly to allow this timeframe. DB Up-Down: scale the load to allow athletes to hold on from the Up-Downs to the Step-Ups. DB Box Step-Ups: scale the height of the box or the load of the DBs to allow athletes to hold onto the DBs for at least 1:00 each round.
*MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS*... HS Walk/Quad Crawl: we can sub seated DB Strict Press, or an OH/FR carry. Wall Walk: we can sub L-sit DB Strict Press. Slam Ball: we can sub Plate G2OH if equipment is a constraint. Run: we can sub Bike (2400m/ 600m) or Row (1000m/250m). DB Up-Down: we can sub Up-Downs without DBs, or DB Deadlift. DB Box Step-Up: we can sub DB Forward Lunges or Front Foot Elevated Lunges if equipment is a constraint.