3/14/2020: St Patty's Day Annual WOD
(Chug for 10 seconds)
25- Double Unders
15- Pull Ups
(Chug for 10 seconds)
25 - Double Unders
15 - Ameican Swings 35/55
(Chug for 10 seconds)
25 - Double Unders
15- Box Jumps
(Chug for 10 seconds)
25-Double Unders
15- SDLHP 65/95
3 rounds *You must finish any beer left in your can at the end of the WOD Drinking optional.
No green = 10 burpees at beginning of class
MUST BE 21 TO CONSUME ALCOHOL!!!!! MUST HAVE A DESIGNATED DRIVE!!!! If you throw up...do it outside