250m Row
30 Air Squats
25 Sit-Ups
20 Push-Ups
15 Ring Rows
-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-
-17:00 Hard Cap-
3 Sets
25 Backpack Cleans
30 Air Squats
25 Sit-Ups
20 Push-Ups
15 Backpack Bent Over Rows
-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-
SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*... For your more deconditioned athletes, make sure they feel good with these movements during the warm-up. If needed, take off 5 reps of each movement so they are able to keep moving. Another option is to see how they do with the first set, take a look at their time, and if needed, decrease the reps for the 2nd & 3rd set.
*Movement Adjustments*... Row -- If the constant hinging pattern that occurs with rowing does not work for an athlete today, a bike or run are great options. Keep these within a 1:00 time domain however. Air Squat -- Preserve the squat, however you may need to modify it. It may look like decreasing the depth and/or resorting to tempo squats. At times, the fast, cyclical pattern can do more harm than good. Sit-Up -- If a sit-up is out of the cards today, hollow rocks or alt. Deadbugs will be great options! Push-Up -- Use knees and/or bands for assistance! No matter how this movement is modified, preserve that reverse hollow position to protect the back. Ring Row -- Adjust the body angle to get full range of motion. If one arm cannot pull, perform single arm ring rows!