


Hang Clean and Jerks RX (115/75) CFC1 (75/55) CFC2 (65/45)


*100m Run After Each Full Set.


3 SETS Max Chin-Ups* Into... Max Bar Dead Hang -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- *End set without coming off the bar and work immediately into the Max Bar Hang (No Measure)

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*... Scale Volume today for newer athletes. They can perform the workout at 18-15-12-9, or 15-12-9-6 for really deconditioned athletes. Scale Load on the barbell movement for athletes to complete 5-7+ reps a set. Scale Distance for the monostruc- tural movement to be completed in :30-:40. *Movement Adjustments*... Hang Clean and Jerk -- Sub for DBs if the athlete cannot front rack. Sub Power Clean if the athlete cannot go overhead or SDHP. Sub for Push Jerk if the athlete cannot hinge to perform the power clean. Pull-Ups -- Adjust athletes to Jumping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows if unable to complete Pull-Ups. Another good option is to have them complete half Pull-Ups and half of a scaling option. Run -- Sub for 300m Bike. The athlete can sub for 150m Row, but avoid if possible to not add more pulling.

Cross Fit