

Min 1 - 250/200m Row

Min 2 - :50 Ring Dip or Bench Dip

Min 3 - :50 Burpee Box Climb Over (30/24)* *Both feet need to come to the top of the box before getting to the opposite side


1:00 Doorway Stretch (R)

1:00 Doorway Stretch (L)

1:00 Down Dog 1:00 Seal Pose (No Measure)

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*... Row -- Athletes should be able to complete this portion in :50 or less each round- we can scale back the distance to :50 max distance, or we can prescribe a set distance after the first round and have specific athletes stick to that goal. Ring Dip -- For athletes unable to maintain midline stabilization and control of their body for :50 working intervals, we can scale back the working time to :35-:45 to allow for the maintenance of the stimulus. Burpee Box Climb Over -- For athletes unable to work for the entire :50 working period, we can scale back the working time to :35-:45, or we can scale back the height on the box to allow for consistent movement. *Movement Adjustments*... Row -- We can sub 750/600m Bike, or a 200/150m Run if an athlete cannot row, or if equipment is a constraint. Ring Dip -- DB Deficit Push-Ups (outlined in the Teaching section), or a DB Floor Press are both great options if an athlete is unable to perform Push-Ups or Dips today. Burpee Box Climb Over -- We can sub Up-Downs for Burpees, or we can bring down the complexity by performing Burpee Box Step-Ups or Up-Down Box Step-Ups to a lower height.

Cross Fit