MIN 1 - :50 Cal Row, Bike, or Run
MIN 2 - 2 Wall Walks then DB Slides in Remaining Time RX (50/35) CFC1 (35/25)
MIN 3 - 15 Glute Bridge-Ups then Single DB Goblet Squats in Remaining Time
MIN 4 - Walking Rest w/ Nasal Breathing Only
*Great day to see if athletes can control breathing, not go to the "breathless" state and practice nasal breathing in the long EMOM. (No Measure)
SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Wall Walks -- We can scale back the volume of the WW for any athletes that want to work on the movement but are not strong enough to maintain the proper positioning for 2 reps DB Slides-- We want athletes to work through core work after the Wall Walks, so we can take the DB away or lighten the weight to allow athletes to get into a strong & stable position. Glute Bridges-- We are looking for athletes to complete all 15 reps unbroken to transition to the Goblet Squats, so we can lighten the weight (or take it away completely) or find a rep scheme our athletes can complete unbroken within :20-:30. Goblet Squats-- Athletes should be able to hold onto the weight on the Goblet Squats for 10-15 reps, so we want to ensure our athletes choose a weight that will allow them to do so- we can scale back the working time for any athletes that need it (from around :50 back to :40-:45).
*Movement Adjustments*... Wall Walks-- Modify athletes to a Pike Hold, or DB OH Hold (see Teaching for more options) if an athlete cannot go upside down today. DB Slides-- We can sub Shoulder Taps if an athlete has trouble controlling the DB and their body, or we can sub a Hollow Hold if an athlete cannot support on the hands today. Glute Bridges-- An elevated Glute Bridge (shoulders on a box, bench, or wall ball for athletes looking for an added challenge) is going to be our best scaling option today. Goblet Squats-- We can modify athletes unable to Squat to Alt. Reverse Lunges or Box Step-Ups.