MIN 1 - :45 Max Single DB Front Rack Step-Ups (35/20)|(20/15)/(24/20)
MIN 2 - :45 Max Strict Box or Ring Dips
MIN 3 - :45 Plank Hold (Plate on Back Optional)
MIN 4&5 - 1:45 Run, Bike, Row, or Ski
*Weight Vest Optional
(No Measure)
KG DB: (15/9)|(9/7)
MIN 1 - :45 Max Cal Bike
MIN 2 - :45 Hollow Hold
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Box Step Ups -- Our athletes are going to be working through 6 rounds of each of these movements- that means ideally
our athletes will be able to maintain their reps throughout each round. We can adjust the working time to control more of
the total volume for any athletes that need it, or we can adjust the height on the box, or even take away the weight and
have athletes perform unweighted Box Step-Ups.
Ring Dips -- This is going to be a challenging interval of work each round- ideally our athletes can hold onto 3-5 reps at a
time throughout this working interval. We can adjust the difficulty of the movement by placing the feet on the ground for
support for Ring or Box Dips, or by utilizing a band for Ring Dips.
Plank -- We are looking for our athletes to hold an unbroken Plank each time they get to this interval. That means we can
either adjust the working time to something they can hold, or adjust to an elevated position to take some of the weight off
the hands.
Bike, Run, Row, Ski -- This interval is actually 2 minutes combined! We’re looking for our athletes to move at a consistent
and repeatable pace each round. Athletes pick their poison here, so we want to make sure they are choosing a cardio
piece that will allow them to do this.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Box Step Ups -- If we have any athletes that cannot perform the Step Up (or Step Down), we can sub a Reverse Lunge in its
Ring/Box Dips -- If we have any athletes who cannot perform Dips today, we can sub a DB Deficit Push-Up, or a Hand
Release Push-Up
Plank -- For any athletes that cannot hold a Plank today, we can sub a Hollow Hold.
Bike, Run, Row, Ski -- If equipment is a constraint today, athletes can start at different stations and share equipment (if this
is feasible for you). If not, we can default to a Run or everyone’s favorite (Burpees for 1:00!).