10 DB Devil's Press RX (50/35) CFC1 (35/20)
40 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 DB Devil's Press
20 Box Jumps
2:00 Forward Fold
2:00 Couch Stretch (R)
2:00 Couch Stretch (L)
(No Measure)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
GOAT Movement -- Our focus is on skill, not on volume. Athletes should be able to perform 5-7 Sets of about 3-5 Reps at a time on their movement, or about 20-30 seconds of work.
Devil’s Press -- Load should allow for athletes to be able to complete the first Devil’s Press unbroken. 1-2 sets for the second Devil’s Press
Box Jumps -- Adjust reps to 30 and 15 for deconditioned athletes (about 2:00 for the first Box Jumps and about a minute for the second Box Jumps)
*Movement Adjustments*...
Devil’s Press -- They can turn the Burpee portion of the Devil’s press into an Up-Down if they cannot perform the Push-Up today. Athletes can adjust to a DB Burpee if they cannot go overhead
Box Jumps -- Lower the height if necessary or sub for Step Ups or Lunges. Lunges can be weighted if athletes find the body weight less challenging. Athletes can interchange between the Step Up and Box Jump to practice the Box Jump more.