50/40 Cal Bike
Immediately into...
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Sumo Deadlift High Pull RX (115/75) Scaled (75/55)*
Immediately Into...
50/40 Cal Bike
*Optional increase to RX (135/95) Scaled (95/65)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Bike -- Adjust Calories so the bike can be completed in 3:30. No more than 4:00 on the bike.
Chest to Bar -- Athletes should be able to perform sets of 5 reps.
Sumo Deadlift High Pull -- Athletes should be able to do quick sets of 5-10 reps at a time. Adjust load accordingly.
Volume -- Adjust reps to 5-10-15 for deconditioned athletes. These reps can also be used for just the Pull-Ups if the athlete
wants to focus on C2B or Pull-ups yet do not have the capacity to handle the higher Volume.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Bike -- Adjust to 60/48 Row or 800m Run (Try to avoid Run if possible because there will be running tomorrow)
Chest to Bar -- Adjust to Chin Over Bar Pull-Ups or Jumping C2B/Pull-Ups. Athletes can also perform Ring Rows or DB
Bent Over Rows
Sumo Deadlift High Pull -- Adjust to KB as some athletes may find this position easier. If necessary sub for just the Sumo
Deadlift or perform the High Pull from the Hang at above knee or below knee.